Perspective Plan
OPERATION FLOOD (1970-1996) created a strong foundation to transform India's dairy sector into a vibrant business activity. It paved the way to take up new initiatives and create new conditions to firm up India's world leadership in milk production. The new challenge for the Dairy Industry was to explore ways to emerge stronger using the network created under OF. The response Perspective Plan, a plan that attempts to take the dairy cooperative movement to its highest potential.
Perspective Plan focused on four key areas. These include Strengthening Cooperative Business, Production Enhancement, Assuring Quality and creating a National Information Network. The State Milk Marketing Federations and the Milk Producers' Cooperative Unions, the architects and key beneficiaries have identified the thrust areas. The plan was designed keeping at helm the benefit to farmers at large. NDDB facilitated the planning process and provided technical support and need-based finance for implementing the Perspective Plan.